

Validation tools

Data access


INFO_TOOLS Validation tools

SCIAMACHY reading tools

SCIAMACHY overpass tools

Some tools to find SCIAMACHY overpasses:

Radiative transfer

SCIATRAN, the radiative transfer program made by Bremen, and used in the retrieval of operational SCIAMACHY nadir products, is available for scientific users.

Envisat user tools

The Envisat user tools website gives access to several online/downloadable tools which are used by the Envisat team for Mission Analysis and Ground Segment processing Development. Anyone can use these tools, either online (if applicable) or after downloading them. Note: Some tools require registration with the Envisat Team.

Useful tools are:

  • ESOV:
    The ESOV software is a tool to visualize the satellite's Earth coverage.
  • Small calculators
  • EnviView:
    EnviView is a simple tool to provide a first look at Envisat data files in the PDS format.

Last update: 6 June 2018
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